Exclusive Beauty Offers & Savings

Savor the Luxury, Savor the Savings: Unmissable Deals at Gloss Nail Bar!

At Gloss Nail Bar, we're all about providing luxurious experiences that don't break the bank. This is why we're excited to share with you our exclusive offers and savings tailored to your beauty aspirations. From mid-week discounts to special occasion bonuses, we're committed to delivering an affordable luxury experience.

Explore our current promotions below and find out how you can revel in the luxury of our services while enjoying the delight of great savings. Remember, at Gloss Nail Bar, beauty and value co-exist.

So, are you ready to savor the luxury and savings? Book your appointment today, and let's start this beautiful journey together.

Current & Past Promotions

Back to School Promo

Teachers & Students:

Mention "Back to School"

Show your ID and score 10% off your nail services! This offer can't be combined with other promotions. 

Group Discount : Mention This Ad

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